Monday, October 18, 2010

The Perfect Baby Shower Gift

It seems lately everywhere I go I see a woman just about to pop. Even in my own family there is a little one preparing to make her debut. This brings to mind what is the perfect Baby Shower gift? Of course it depends on the mom to be and your budget, but I think there are a few key items that you can always give a new mom. Of course there is the ever popular clothes. Which really who can resist those itty bitty outfits that scream ADORABLE. Parents of a new baby can always use more out fits of varying sizes. The varying sizes is the key. Most people will concentrate on the newborn but you can expand into the bigger sizes. Some babies are born bigger than or quickly grow out of the newborn sizes. There are also the sleepers and onesies that are also so needed. Again vary the sizes. Even if the baby takes awhile to grow there is always a stage the baby seems to have grown over night and suddenly needs bigger clothing before the parents have had time to go buy any. I always try to find a carrier (used or new) these are great gifts. Most parents only know of the store front carry type which can be such a burden to even use but when you show up with a sling or other type in their beautiful colors and with a little description of use. You will be the talk of that household as the new parents learn about all of the hands free benefits a good carrier can bring as well the bonding. Now if you know the mom will be using pacifiers and bottles. It is a great idea to get some pacifier clipies, bottle holders, pacifiers and BPA free bottles. One thing is they will likely miss place a few and will always welcome back ups. Toss in a can or two of formula and you will really get an ooh good idea! Another is these items can be inexpensive and colorful making a big splash with little cost to you. A small kit put together of soaps,lotions, wash cloths, towels, nail clippers, Tylenol,Motrin,gas drops,hair brush and thermometer is always welcomes. If you make this gift yourself in an inexpensive basket with a bow wrapped around not only can you cut the cost but you look like you put so much effort in putting together such a thoughtful gift. Blankets of all types are just as fun as the little outfits. Shopping on internet sites like ETSY and HYENA CART or craft fairs you can find tons of one of a kind baby blankets to give as gifts. Bundle one with a little hat and some receiving blankets. You are sure to a have gift that looks like so much more than what is really there. TIP on this one if you shop on the Internet be sure to make sure you will receive the gift before the shower. Burp rags are another often overlooked item. On these you can buy Gerber cloth diapers ,which are not really very good as cloth diapers but wonderful as burp rags, or you can can find some lovely decorated ones. Do a few of these with some of the other items mentioned as a topper or on their own. They are always needed! There is also all the fun things like little hair bows, baseball caps, tutus, tiny little shoes and socks. These items are always nice to give away even if they are not always needed. They make great props for the many pictures to come. Bundle a few together with an outfit and the parents to be will just be tickled. Of course we have to mention cloth diapers. Even if the mom has said she does not think she will use cloth ( which is just silly in our opinion) one or two still make a great gift. We say this because every parent has run into that situation where baby just used the last diaper and you have nothing to put on the baby because you did not realize it was the last one. JUST CALL THEM DIAPER BACK UP! haha. Just be sure to put them with a package of disposable diapers and wipes. Now if they are on the fence a package with 2 or 3 of you favorite type would make a great trial pack, plus with them being your favorite types you can help explain how to use and care for them. Add with them some of the cloth wipes and wipe solution for little extra ooh and ahh! Hint cloth wipes make great tissues and bath rags so go ahead add a few to any present they will get used! Now there are the big ticket items like strollers, car seats, high chairs, baby beds, swings etc. If you can afford to give them then by all means do. They will never be turned down and the parents to be will be so tickled to get those big items taken care with out having to fork over the cash themselves. Hint : If you want to do this on a budget go in with a few other guests and share the cost, It will still be as loved and squealed over. Also be sure you check their registry so you can get the one they want. Now some little side thoughts if there are siblings toss in a little sometihng for them and when some brownie points with the little ones and the parents. A nice extra is something just for mom and dad, like a night gown and rob for the hospital for mom and a gift card for dad to a place like McDonalds with enoghu for two (This allows him to get some real food to eat for him and to be her hero by sneaking her in something real to). Well good luck on your shopping and have fun!

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Sunday, October 17, 2010

Being A Parent

This week was test of all my skills as a parent I have collected thus far. All of the work and sweat made me consider what is it to be a parent. I think I have it. Being a parent is staying up till 5 am with your infant because they are wide awake even though you have to get up at 6am. It is not freaking out as your toddler throws up on you, but calmly folding up the mess in your shirt as you comfort and help your baby.Is being covered in infant spit up and not minding because well it is just a little spit up. Is saying no 5 millions times a day to the same question. Being a parent means you get up to maintain your household and keep the chaos under control even though you are completely exhausted. Looking for 5 minutes of peace and quiet. It is trying to hold a conversation on the phone while also answering the numerous questions, fights, and owies that have erupted just because you are on the phone. It is worrying about whether what you are doing is right for your kids future or is causing harm. Always striving to be better and almost assuredly only partially succeeding. Is telling your child to quit poking you or else,after they have done it 50 times and it is starting to not be funny. It is carrying out that or else when they don't. It is trying to decide to what degree a punishment should be. It stealing hugs and kisses from your 2 year old who can't run away fast enough. Telling your teen daughter how beautiful and smart you know she is and hoping she truly does know it. Watching your boy become a young man as her gives up his seat to his grandma. It is watching their sleeping bodies and thinking "I will remember this forever AND they are peaceful when they sleep". It is leaving the bathroom light on to scare away the monsters imagined and locking the door to keep the real ones out. It is hearing the birthday/Christmas list everyday grow as the event comes closer. It is buying a pet because they promise they will take care of it even though you know you will end up taking care of it. It is saying when you just can not take one more thing " GO ASK YOUR......." Is moments shared. A heart stolen forever at the first sound of a heart beat or a little blue line on a stick. Love given unconditionally. Being a parent is all those things and more. The only way to really understand it is to be one and to do that is to do more than to have a baby.
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Thursday, October 14, 2010

Breastfeeding in the winter

Okay so it is getting to cold and flu season. We have already been hit by one nasty bug here. I was the proud recipient of a sinus infection, the start of bronchitis and two ear infections. My youngest daughter started to get it but then it cleared up for her. It made me so glad I was breastfeeding. Yes I am one of those moms who has extended breastfed. My youngest will be 2 next month and at that time she will be weaned, but I will be missing all of those lovely antibodies. Breastfeeding has a lot of perks from never having to worry about having a bottle ready to providing your little one with antibodies. If you are on the fence about breastfeeding I say go for it. Especially if your little one is being born during the winter season. When you get sick it is miserable and so much worse when your little one does too, but when you breastfeed you will be helping your little one get better faster. As your body makes antibodies for your illness it will pass them on to your baby in your breast milk. Now I like to tell both sides on breastfeeding so here it is. Breastfeeding when you are sick can be the pits. Just like pregnancy you have a limit on the type and how much medicine you can take. On top of the fact if you are sick enough you are in no mood to do anything. All the same though it is worth it. Your illness will only last so long and when you are done not only you but also your baby will have the antibodies to fight it next time. Plus breastfeeding during an illness can help your baby have a much milder if at all experience of an illness.Which is something we all want. I know some moms worry what it will do to their breasts. All I have to say to that is"Honey breastfeeding or not your body,let alone your breast will never look the same." I have friends who chose not breastfeed and they tell me pregnancy alone has done as much damage as breastfeeding has ever done to me. This is my 4th baby to breastfeed and I would do it all over again. Like they say Breast is Best....especially during the cold and flu season.
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Sunday, October 10, 2010

We are in the PINK are You?

This has been breast cancer awareness month. We at PudderPals want all of you mommies to remember to get yourself checked and to check yourself. Do it for you, your friends and family. We are so blessed to live in the times we do. They have been away of cancer since the beginning of our country and that time you were given a mild sedation but still wide awake while the doctor removed the entire breast. After that they hoped they got it all. Today the chances of a woman surviving are getting higher and higher. With today's medical marvels not only can they at times save the breast, they can check to be sure they got it all or if it has already spread. Their are ways for women who do have to lose their breast regain their form. There now even doctors who solely treat women with breast cancer. The best thing to come along was the fact that it became public knowledge that every woman should check and be checked, while this is does not prevent breast cancer it does save lives. Catching cancer early gives you the best fighting chance. This is a wonderful time to be alive, we have such a fighting chance to survive the worst of the worst if we take matters into our own hands ladies.

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Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Oooh do you feel the chill in the air

First of all this last weekend was awesome! Thanks to everyone who showed up! Little Lovelies brought their items as well and they were adorable as usual. If you are still looking for a Halloween costume for your little girl check them out the have tutus and tutu dresses that are perfect but also affordable. Two of my daughters have worn them and love them. They last through a lot of wear and tear. You can find them on etsy and hyena cart. They brings me to my next thought. We are going to be releasing our new fall and winter colors very soon. I am so excited I love fall and Christmas. All of the fun decorations and the whole country seems to be more focused on family. As soon as the starts to cool down here the scarecrows and pumpkins start popping out in peoples yards calling in the season. I personally love to watch all of the kiddos get all dressed up and run about pretending to be fairies and knights. Instead of watching TV. Plus they get rewarded for playing make believe not with candy but also because mommy and daddy actually play and go with them that night. You have to admit we we don't do that everyday. Just watch them play pretend and go out and actually by silly costumes for them to play in. These days I see more and more parents pushing their kids to like things that are really meant for teenagers. I also see more parents choosing their kids costumes instead allowing their child's imagination to take the lead. I mean for one night let them lead and you may be surprised at what you find. My kids have always wanted to be the same things every year.I have one that always wants to be a princess ( even when I try to encourage things like a bride,fairy or angel) and another that is always 1 of 3 things military( army man),ninja,knight ( except when he was 4 he wanted to be spiderman and did not take the costume off for months afterwards. It was so bad I had wash it every night and the people at walmart would sing the spiderman theme song to him when we came in. I have one that is just starting out and she will be a little pumpkin and another that has moved on and she goes camping every year with her daddy. After Halloween comes birthdays around here and then Thanksgiving and Christmas. I hate the cold but I love the season. I hope you find it so appealing too. Also to all those grumpy adults on Halloween if you are not handing out candy turn off your outside lights. Lights off is the code for no candy here. Don't let little ones stand at your door wasting there time and yours. Plus it will save you money for one night not to run your outside lights!
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