Friday, January 29, 2010

Here is PLAN or so I thought....

I was talking to another mom today about CDing. She was saying they had planned on doing cloth but it is so much work and they where just lazy and went back to disposables. That made me wonder, "What was she doing that was so much work?" I hear that phrase a lot though. I must admit I was lazy about it when I first started. I seemed like such a hard thing to do and there is so much information on the net that conflicts that it all became overwhelming. Also I had those tried and trusted disposables on hand. My husband supported me using cloth but still used the the disposables when he changed the baby (turns out it was the Velcro factor for him and now we have velcro dipes for him to use). So we almost gave up then we ran out of disposables and available funds. So cloth is what we had. Cloth is what we did. Turns out it was easier than I had ever imagined. There really is no gross factor when you care for your diapers. Nothing worse than really streaked underwear and we all have seen that (come on admit it). Going out with CDers seemed daunting but really it was not that hard. Just remember a wet bag or you will get wetness and other stuff on your other diapers ( rookie mistake). CDing at night now that took some work and sometimes I have to adjust the absorption but it was not hard either. Honestly my LO would sleep in a wet diaper all night (and has on a rare occasion) if I did not check it at night. You have to just get rid of the seemed ease of disposables and find the routine and type of diaper that works for you. Once you have that you will find it is really not that hard and may even love your diapers. I sure do.

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