Saturday, February 6, 2010

Diaper Parties.

We had another successful diaper party. What a fun way to spend time with other mommies. Our parties are set to be a low pressure sale. More of a fun event then a sales meeting. I hate when you have no money and the person who is selling something looks at you like and your order. Then tries to show you some of the *cute* items in their catalog. Of course we want to sale our diapers but not at the expense if someone feeling bad. In today's market cloth diapers really do make sense but not everyone has $18 on hand let alone more. We want it to be fun and exiting and not dreadful either. Now at each party their is the person who has been brought along and has every reason why Cloth Diapering is wrong. I love those people. They actually help open the floor for those who had fears or questions but may have been afraid to ask. They also help to open up the way for me to cover different topics. Oh but the veterans to cloth diapering now some of them at diaper parties can be a bit much. You see cloth diapering is a personal thing and you have to do and use what works for you, but some think their way is the only way or the best way. They are not afraid to tell you about it either. Which can be great the share of ideas but when they start to tell you you are wrong during your presentation then it just becomes rude to everyone. It can scare off newbies. All in all though it is a fun relaxing time with other mommies. Plus with our diaper parties there are lots of goodies to be earned!

check us out at

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