This week was test of all my skills as a parent I have collected thus far. All of the work and sweat made me consider what is it to be a parent. I think I have it. Being a parent is staying up till 5 am with your infant because they are wide awake even though you have to get up at 6am. It is not freaking out as your toddler throws up on you, but calmly folding up the mess in your shirt as you comfort and help your baby.Is being covered in infant spit up and not minding because well it is just a little spit up. Is saying no 5 millions times a day to the same question. Being a parent means you get up to maintain your household and keep the chaos under control even though you are completely exhausted. Looking for 5 minutes of peace and quiet. It is trying to hold a conversation on the phone while also answering the numerous questions, fights, and owies that have erupted just because you are on the phone. It is worrying about whether what you are doing is right for your kids future or is causing harm. Always striving to be better and almost assuredly only partially succeeding. Is telling your child to quit poking you or else,after they have done it 50 times and it is starting to not be funny. It is carrying out that or else when they don't. It is trying to decide to what degree a punishment should be. It stealing hugs and kisses from your 2 year old who can't run away fast enough. Telling your teen daughter how beautiful and smart you know she is and hoping she truly does know it. Watching your boy become a young man as her gives up his seat to his grandma. It is watching their sleeping bodies and thinking "I will remember this forever AND they are peaceful when they sleep". It is leaving the bathroom light on to scare away the monsters imagined and locking the door to keep the real ones out. It is hearing the birthday/Christmas list everyday grow as the event comes closer. It is buying a pet because they promise they will take care of it even though you know you will end up taking care of it. It is saying when you just can not take one more thing " GO ASK YOUR......." Is moments shared. A heart stolen forever at the first sound of a heart beat or a little blue line on a stick. Love given unconditionally. Being a parent is all those things and more. The only way to really understand it is to be one and to do that is to do more than to have a baby.
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